Useful Contacts

For all life-threatening inquiries, it is best to call 000.

If you have an issue you wish to raise with Willoughby City Council you can go to:

Report or track an issue | Willoughby City Council ( This portal allows for queries or complaints in relation to issues covering trees; animals; footpaths and nature strips; garbage and recycling; graffiti and recycling; open space and street trees; private property; traffic and parking.

You can also report a problem to Council via email: or phone 9777 1000. After-hours emergencies: 1300 543 108

Dealing with Problem Noise – see NSW EPA  Preventing neighbourhood noise (

If you spot an issue in your community like graffiti, illegal parking, dumped rubbish, trip hazards or abandoned trolleys you can also send advice to Council via the Snap, Send Solve app.

To prepare for natural disasters, read Willoughby Council Natural Hazards information which covers preparedness for bushfires and storms.

Sydney Water: Phone  13 20 92 or Report a leak in public spaces (

Ausgrid for problems with your power supply. Contact us – Ausgrid

Ambulance, Fire and Police: Phone 000

Lifeline for mental health support 13 11 14

Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000 Crime Stoppers Australia – Your Community, Your Call

Chatswood Police on 9414 8499 63 Archer Street Chatswood

State Emergency Services (SES) for emergency assistance after a storm or natural disaster – 132 500