General Meetings
The CWWPA holds a general meeting every second month.
The meeting is often accompanied by a speaker on a topical issue.
The interested public is welcome to attend but please note that, in order to vote on a decision at these meetings, you will need to have been previously approved by the committee as a member.
Pre-pandemic, our meetings were held at the Dougherty Centre in Chatswood. Currently, for the safety of our members we are holding all meetings online (on the Zoom platform).
Times and dates for 2023 are as follows:
Annual General Meeting 7:30pm Thursday 20 April 2023
7:30pm Thursday 15 June 2023
7:30pm 17 August 2023
7:30pm 19 October 2023
7:30pm 14 December 2023
Minutes of previous meetings are available to members here. You will need to obtain the password to access these minutes – please contact the
An agenda for the meeting is sent out to all members in the week prior to the meeting.
Committee Meetings
The CWWPA Executive Committee meets in the alternate months, also online. If you have any issue you wish to raise with the committee or feedback to provide please write via the